“I think we need each other to remind ourselves of the stakes and encourage us to remember that, in a way, it doesn’t matter what the odds are, that the good life lies in part in doing the best that we can.” - Jeff Golden

“I think we need each other to remind ourselves of the stakes and encourage us to remember that, in a way, it doesn’t matter what the odds are, that the good life lies in part in doing the best that we can.” - Jeff Golden

Jeff Golden Show Notes

Connect with Senator Golden: Website | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

Press Releases Related to Climate and Wildfires: SB 1602 Floor Speech | Statement of FERC Approval of the Jordan Cove Pipeline  | Response to Governor Brown's Executive Order | SB 1530 Facts on Jobs and Costs | Op-Ed: Investing UpstreamHB 2020 Rural Advantages

Books: Watermelon Summer: A Journal | Forest Blood | As If We Were Grownups | Unafraid: A Novel of the Possible | Everything We Know About Leadership (contributor)

Senator Golden’s Popular Media Publications: Many of Senator Golden’s writing can be found on the Blue Oregon website or listed below

Immense Possibilities TV: Website | PBS  

The Jefferson Exchange: NPR | Jefferson Public Radio | Apple | Google | Stitcher  

Golden for Senate: Meet Jeff Golden 

Blog Posts: Now let’s bring Big Logging Back Again!  | And so it begins--

Documentaries: River Dogs | The Same River Twice 

Oregon Public Broadcasting: Lawmakers seek reduced ties between timber industry ad Oregon board of forestry | Oregon governor signs ambitious clean energy bill | Oregon voters open door for campaign finance limits

The Oregonian: Senator asks Gov. Kate Brown to suspend Oregon's post-fire hazard 

tree removal program pending an investigation into allegations of  mismanagement 

Green Biz: Oregon's forest wildfire without a forest proves forest management isn't enough 

Gazette Times: Old wounds of Oregon’s timber wars take first step toward healing

The Astorian: Deal could heal old wounds in Oregon’s timber wars

Crosscut: Oregon Democrats try to learn from British Columbia’s carbon tax

Vox: Oregon Republicans are subverting democracy by running away. Again.

State of Oregon Newsroom: Governor Kate Brown Signs Clean Energy Bills, Sets Goal for 100% Clean Energy by 2040

The Environmental Center: 2021 Oregon Legislative Session

Davis Wright Tremaine: Comprehensive Oregon Wildfire Legislation Reaffirms and Expands Utility Obligations
The Washington Post: Inside the scorched towns of Talent and Phoenix, Ore.